Cercles des DSI

European Cyber Security Month: A remarkable and noteworthy 5th edition

Published on by Paloma SIGGINI - updated on

The time of final assessment arrived for the European Month of the cybersecurity of which Les Assises were partners. Organized on the initiative of the ENISA and relayed in France by the ANSSI, this campaign has raised public and private stakeholders' awareness of digital security issues. More than fifty events were organized throughout France, and many dedicated moments to talk about good practices to adopt, cybersecurity jobs or diplomatic and economic issues related to digital security. This edition was also characterized by the number of media coverage and increased presence on social networks: more than 50 news articles, 172 million messages seen on social networks, 33 500 tweets and retweets with the hashtags of the operation ... making France the most visible participating country on social networks. This very good report suggests the best for the 2018 edition which should be the occasion for new joint actions at European level.

To know more : www.cybersecuritymonth.eu

Cercles des DSI

Celebrating 20 years!

For its 20 years, Les Assises is getting a makeover! In a few days, you will discover the new graphic identity of Les Assises and all its events: Les Assises, Le Cercle & Le Before.

At 20 we take stock and we look to the future, and we intend to take you with us!